Перед ними лежат приключения, но за собой они оставляют только хаос (с) Samurai Champloo; Very Black Knight
UPD: Совсем забыла еще и это. Тоже из романа.
Stuff on Graham and ponytail meeting. Seven years ago, when Ham was 20.
According to ponytail, Ham spoke in an old-fashioned way and was pretty stoic. The kind of guy you'd associate with "samurai" and "bushido".
A bit of a weird guy, but somewhat like himself, which is why they got along pretty well.
Also because they're both the sort to walk only the paths they believe in.
Also, Billy's great grandfather was Japanese, which makes him one-eighth Japanese.
Setsuna's wish is to become as close as possible to the O Gundam.
Sergei has a son named Andrei, who's older than Soma.
The orbital elevator thing: Sergei and Allelujah did not talk. Allelujah never opened a channel and was just talking to himself when he "replied" to Sergei.
Allelujah's past: Lots of kids in a small ship, only enough oxygen for one.They started killing each other. "Kill me, Allelujah. And live, for Marie." Allelujah was both smiling and crying as he pulled the trigger.
Lockon's past: Lockon was buried in the rubble along with the rest of his family. It was a miracle that they got him out.
Setsuna pretending to be a civillian is an official CB thing ("Plan C")
На случай, если еще не все видели.
О пилоте О Гандама
The Pilot is an Artifical Lifeform in the shaoe of a human.
The Pilot is a youth
The Pilot hate his existence.
The Pilot question about his own existence
"Why are humans so foolish?"
The Pilot has not only access to information on Earth, but the Space Elevator and the Colonies as well.
He can gain acess to Level 7 Plan and all other neccessary information
He has both Gundam and Veda in his grapse. So he can reconstruct the world as he see fits.
The O Gundam was sent all on mission to eradicate all lifeform on the Kurdish Battlefield.
When the Pilot noticed about Setsuna.
And feels about what Setsuna is believing the O Gundam to be. He got softhearted and let Setsuna live.
From the main monitor, the Pilot looks into Setsuna's innocent eyes and finally realise the reason for hi existence.
He believes himself to be on a higher plane of existence above humans.
Wong is descend from nobility
Setsuna kills both his parents
(Not only his mother"
It's described in the novel how he carried out the act
All members of the Kurdish Youth Crop are require to kill their parents.
As instrcuted by Ali.
Monologue by Setsuna.
Marina has a voice similiar to Setsuna's mother.
(Because both of them share the same seiyuu)
Ribbons was take in as a Orphan by Corner.
Because of this, he is ridiculed by members of the UN, saying it's a "Foolish act of anecdote"
Stuff on Graham and ponytail meeting. Seven years ago, when Ham was 20.
According to ponytail, Ham spoke in an old-fashioned way and was pretty stoic. The kind of guy you'd associate with "samurai" and "bushido".
A bit of a weird guy, but somewhat like himself, which is why they got along pretty well.
Also because they're both the sort to walk only the paths they believe in.
Also, Billy's great grandfather was Japanese, which makes him one-eighth Japanese.
Setsuna's wish is to become as close as possible to the O Gundam.
Sergei has a son named Andrei, who's older than Soma.
The orbital elevator thing: Sergei and Allelujah did not talk. Allelujah never opened a channel and was just talking to himself when he "replied" to Sergei.
Allelujah's past: Lots of kids in a small ship, only enough oxygen for one.They started killing each other. "Kill me, Allelujah. And live, for Marie." Allelujah was both smiling and crying as he pulled the trigger.
Lockon's past: Lockon was buried in the rubble along with the rest of his family. It was a miracle that they got him out.
Setsuna pretending to be a civillian is an official CB thing ("Plan C")
На случай, если еще не все видели.
О пилоте О Гандама
The Pilot is an Artifical Lifeform in the shaoe of a human.
The Pilot is a youth
The Pilot hate his existence.
The Pilot question about his own existence
"Why are humans so foolish?"
The Pilot has not only access to information on Earth, but the Space Elevator and the Colonies as well.
He can gain acess to Level 7 Plan and all other neccessary information
He has both Gundam and Veda in his grapse. So he can reconstruct the world as he see fits.
The O Gundam was sent all on mission to eradicate all lifeform on the Kurdish Battlefield.
When the Pilot noticed about Setsuna.
And feels about what Setsuna is believing the O Gundam to be. He got softhearted and let Setsuna live.
From the main monitor, the Pilot looks into Setsuna's innocent eyes and finally realise the reason for hi existence.
He believes himself to be on a higher plane of existence above humans.
Wong is descend from nobility
Setsuna kills both his parents
(Not only his mother"
It's described in the novel how he carried out the act
All members of the Kurdish Youth Crop are require to kill their parents.
As instrcuted by Ali.
Monologue by Setsuna.
Marina has a voice similiar to Setsuna's mother.
(Because both of them share the same seiyuu)
Ribbons was take in as a Orphan by Corner.
Because of this, he is ridiculed by members of the UN, saying it's a "Foolish act of anecdote"
The Pilot is an Artifical Lifeform in the shaoe of a human.
Hmm... shoe?
It's a lovechild of Tieria and Louise. For sure.
[Nicole] сама не поняла О__о
Эмм... Книжка выходит, я правильно понял?
Вот спинным мозгом чувствую, что это Рибонс >_<
А что, роман уже вышел разве?
Либо так, либо это лики. Я не знаю точно.
Macross угу. Это обычное дело. На тот же Гиасс тоже имеется.
Я уже чувствую, как во втором сезоне Сетсуна его обломает фразой "Бога не существует" хD
Наверное, по этому можно судить, насколько жестокой была тамошняя война, если туда сослали Гандам, чтоб просто стереть всех воюющих с лица земли.
Риббонз: I'm your god!
Сетсуна: Fuck off, there is no god! *стреляет*
Macross он в 24ой серии окончательно решил, что бога нет, а существуют люди просто для того, чтобы жить. Я думаю, это его окончательное решение.
Бога нет, есть Гандам. И Гандам - это Сетсуна и остальные майстеры хD Так сам Сетсуна сказал...
Soma Peiris
О да х) Черт, я уже это видеть. Epic fail of Ribbons!
Сетсуна теперь знает точно, что он Гандам, а значит у Риббонза ноль шансов воздействия
А уж если Грэхэм вдруг заявит, что он Флэг и намерен жениться на Гандаме, потому что влюблен в него... Я даже не знаю, кто Сетсуну сможет спасти хD
Мне очень интересно, насколько изменится Сетсуна к 20 годам. Совсем возмужает... *смахивает слезу* окончательно разберется с собой... поумнеет...
Нет, все-таки я люблю Сетсуну.
Самое жестокое - снять с Флэга маску х)
Кто поумнеет, Гандам поумнеет? =) Только если Тьерия с ним хорошенько поработает, я думаю. Интересно вот, как у него с Мариной отношения сложатся. Она же совсем взрослая женщина теперь.
Да не, вообще Сетсуна хороший мальчик =) Там же все с глюком х)
А, ну о Грэхэме, так о Грэхэме. Кто же виноват, что у дядьки странная ориентация оказалась х)
Поддерживаю пейринг! Даже если то была странная Регина, пейринг будет наш!%) Зачем Луиза Саджи?! У нее будет ТЬЕРИЯ!
Soma Peiris Риббонз: I'm your god!
Сетсуна: Fuck off, there is no god! *стреляет*
Это надо увековечить в фанарте ;__;
Ага... Он просто сильно завидовал Билли, что у того с Сумераги роман был, а ему на девушек не везло. А тут такая меха приетела! Как же можно не полюбить *_* И тут я Грэхэма очень хорошо понимаю, сам такой х)
Меха жесткая и холодная, ее не обнимешь)...
Это смотря кому х) Флэг обнимает Эксию, например, и им хорошо) Как вариант Грэхэм может любить Сетсуну, потому что Сетсуна - Гандам. Но это уже яой, а вГандамах нет яоя х)
В каком месте тут должно быть кинестетическое удовольствие))?